We are here to provide
Comfort, care and lots of love
to dogs during the most challenging times in their lives
This is What Happens When
Care Meets Ambition
Our mission is to provide care and comfort to dogs during the most challenging times in their lives. A majority of the dogs that come to Fetch Cares have recently experienced a life-changing event such as being born with or developing an illness, being hit by a car, etc. After experiencing a life-changing event some dogs just need time and love to heal from their traumas. However, most need extensive medical treatment in order to heal or become “stable”. One of our goals is to have the dogs adopted into loving forever families who are willing and able to care for their unique conditions. If a dog is a super senior or diagnosed with a terminal condition then we will provide them with a forever home right here at Fetch Cares. We believe that every dog deserves the appropriate medical care needed for happiness and comfort until they are ready to cross the rainbow bridge. Being able to provide the necessary care to a dog during their final days is a calling that is deeply rooted in the heart and soul of Fetch Cares.
Check Out Our Footprint in the Press!
LDG Construction Steps up to Support Fetch Cares
Featured Story in
Neighbors of Park City Magazine
Connecting Humans & Animals with Exceptional Needs: Griffin’s Story
Featured Story in
Neighbors of Park City Magazine
Fetch Cares Nonprofit & Solomon’s Dog Training Partnership
Featured Story in
Neighbors of Park City Magazine
Does this sound like something you would love to be a part of?
To further meet the needs of both dogs and people with exceptional needs, Fetch Cares offers volunteer and employment opportunities to individuals who have not excelled in other work environments. Teens and adults with different abilities often find the open space at the ranch combined with the wagging tails to be just the right place. Fetch Cares would like to extend an open invitation to school groups, elder care facilities and any other resident or group in our community looking for a rewarding and enjoyable experience to volunteer some time on their grounds walking, snuggling and caring for the dogs
All the help we can get
As a new nonprofit, Fetch Cares needs donations of time, services, goods or money. The following is a list of items frequently used by Fetch Cares:
The future of Fetch Cares is limitless!
We see Fetch Cares as an ever-growing, evolving organization. We hope to one day have programs that will bring dogs and people together to help support each other through life’s challenges as well as to teach kids the proper way to care for, understand and respect dogs starting at a young age. Humans often misinterpret dogs’ behavior causing a divide which, unfortunately, tends to result in unfavorable outcomes for the dogs. We would like to help bridge that divide. We know from experience that the human and animal connection can ease both physical and emotional pain. However, our main mission is to provide comfort and care to dogs during the most challenging times in their lives.

How We Got Up & Running
First, we found our furever home
Fetch Cares was once just a dream that seemed like a massive undertaking due to the lack of time, resources, and mostly finances that would be needed to properly care for the dogs that were most in need.
By 2013 the Saylor family had relocated from Virginia to the Park City area of Utah. Once in Utah the Saylor family set out to create a sustainable business that would combine their skills, experience and love for dogs to provide a valuable service for their new community. So, Fetch, the family dog care business, was born. Fetch has steadily grown from caring for five dogs a day to a thriving business providing 24/7 kennel free care for 50 to 60 dogs a day. We pride ourselves on creating a healthy and happy environment “where a dog can
be a dog” and provide a “full spectrum of services”.
Although the Saylor family had been fostering and adopting animals for many years Fetch Cares was officially established in 2017 when PJ and the Saylor family were approached by a local animal rescue asking for help fostering a 10-week-old puppy who was quickly deteriorating due to an unknown illness. Considering the Saylor family’s dog care experience PJ felt that fostering the puppy was a challenge that they were equipped to handle. This puppy officially became the first Fetch Cares dog and his name is Elwood. His story is incredible and unmatched. Eventually, Elwood also became the family’s first Fetch Cares “foster fail”. Along with many other factors the Saylors realized that due to their business, Fetch, and its stability they were fortunately in a position help other dogs that had been deemed “un-adoptable”. With commitment of the Saylor family and the community’s support, Fetch Cares was born.

“There is nothing more pure than the love from an animal. They express the true meaning of unconditional love and deserve the same from us!”
– Tori Saylor, Owner, operator, and animal advocate

Unlike Any Other
The heart of our caring success story
As lifelong animal lovers the Saylors have personally experienced the healing power of animals. PJ’s daughter, Tori, was diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum at the age of 19. The first 19 years of her life were very challenging for the Saylor family because there was an unexplained disconnect between Tori and the rest of society around her. Tori’s bond with animals were her connection to the world around her.

Approximately two years prior Tori, started her professional career of working in the animal care industry by volunteering at the local animal shelter. After a few years she became a veterinary assistant at a local veterinary clinic where she thrived for just over seven years. Over the next several years Tori started to have a better understanding of society. She proudly became a disability and mental health advocate. For the next several years she helped bridge the gap between those on the spectrum and neurotypicals by telling her story and giving speeches to thousands of people all over the east coast. During this time Tori realized how significant her bond with animals were to her creating a social bridge for her to the rest of society over the course of her life. More importantly, caring for animals was the main way that Tori was able to reciprocate love and comfort that she wasn’t able to with other humans. Tori often says that she understands animal behavior and language better than she understands other people. We can all agree that animals have a way of expressing love and comfort that so many of us benefit from.

Are you in love with what we’re doing here?
Then Get Involved!!
We welcome community involvement at Fetch with our tails waggin’!
There are several ways you can get involved:
Volunteer your time at the Ranch
Sponsor one of our Foster dogs
Organize a fundraiser for Fetch Cares
Become a monthly Fetch Cares donor
Donate Via PayPal, Go Fund Me, Venmo, Cash/check …
Start a Howl!
Get in touch and find out more about what you can do to to help!